Had English 'O' level oral exam today. Was not really nervous as it was my second taking. Took the exam at coral and was almost. The reading passage was easier than last year. The oral topic was about acting. Hope i can improve my el by 2 grades if not waste my money and time to retake sia. Regretted ti retake my science, sian.
hApPy Go lUcKy..WOHOO!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Today was a busy day for me. Had driving in the night but was looking forward. I am improving and my car didn't die halfway out on the road. It was tiring to drive in the night sia. Couldn't see well and ubi there got a lot of cars. Today was the first time driving out of the circuit and out on the road. Managed to drive out smoothy.
After that went to book my Final theory. Got to wait till october to do the test, tat's long.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Kayaking At school pool
Finally, today we get the chance of using the play boats. Left Jive camp early to go for training. Jive camp was kind of fun but didn't like to play amazing race. Went for training at 9am. But not everyone went.
We had to do capsize drill. It was very difficult to quick exit the kayak with skit on. We learn how to do the eskimo bow. I capsize 3 times plus. First was thanks to adam and second was when playing canoe polo. After that went back to join my camp members.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Schneider Event
I am super busy for the next 3 weeks sia. Had to help out in an event in school for the first three days of school holiday. Then having class chalet the next week and need to go for health screening and camps and driving and english lessons. I barely have time to start at home and relax. Quite tiring. I need sleeps. hahah.
Today had to wake up super early at 6.30 am to go to school for schneider event. It was quite boring at first cos got nothing to do at the registration counter. It wasn't a big event and not many people who signed up for it actually came. It was super slack sia got a lot of tea break and lunch break. FOOD! Had to stay up till 6 plus 7pm before the event ended. Went to causeway to have dinner ben, yan jin, hongbin, jo,sylvia, pei shan, kah yen and chris. After that went home.
And tmr is the last day of the event. Super sian sia still need to wake up early during school holiday.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Last Day of sem 1
Today was the last day of semester 1 and we all going to change class. It was a super sad thing, and we have to start first day of school again. Time flies and it is already week 16 of 1st semester. It was like we were all strangers in class and was able to become a united class after 2nd week of school. But we will all be seeing each other soon at the chalet.
Our math facilitator was nice and he treated us to eat the the facilitator restaurant at E1. But he got said by one of the staff. We felt bad for him. After we went to talk pics and we went back to class. Farhan made a farewell video for us. Anyway see you guys at the chalet do remember to come and also one more thing is we are going for Latent TB health screening together on the 18 august morning.
Happy Boys! :)

Shaved Monkeys <3

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Basic Theory test
Skipped school today just to clear finish two weeks leave. haha. Had theory mock test yesterday and I did not even study for it yet. I failed 5 of the trail papers. It was like shit la. But the good news is I actually was able to pass today's test. WOO HOO! I waited for 1hour to apply my PDL. Sucks man need to wait so long. Went back to school for kayaking training and we played captains ball after running around admiralty park. Went to ahve dinner at causeway point. That's all for today. I got a video by Farhan and Hannah during computing lesson. haha.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Saturday, 2 aug 08
yesterday hAD kayaking training at Kahbti. But i woke up a little late but wasn't late for training. Played canoe polo. It was fun and tiring. I got capsize. Cool. We went to North point for lunch and went home.
Today start my first driving lesson at the circuit. I was super nervous and was hoping that my instructor would not be an old man because they can be very naggy. My dad fetched me there.
Waited for the instructor to come and I felt relax after knowing that the instructor looked in his 4os. After driving round the circuit, the instructor said I was not bad but need to practice more on my turning. And i had BTT on Tuesday and I haven't study finish. Hope I will pass and get my PDL asap. Can't wait to drive on the road and also get my license by the end or mid November.