Sunday, July 4, 2010

Screw my life!

It has been a fuck up week at work and home!

Can't stand my father's childish behaviour! Since he wants to give up on me so be it! There is only a NO word in his vocabulary!

Working has been sucky! Fucking hate one of my colleague! CB he la! Rely on me to clear up his super messy and blaming me for his own messy!

Its really a shitty place to work at though can get paid high!

It was stupid of me to go extend my contract! I could have a 2 months holiday but now only 1! super sian.

But during work, I didn't really thought of going back school. Most of my colleagues are like encouraging to quit school and just continue working. Its like f ing tempting la! But NO WAY! still got a few more months to my graduation. Can't wait to get enlisted and finish stupid NS!

Recently, many friends relationship has failed including mine too. CBAW is a place where we got dumped. Not really a good working environment to work at, too many rumors and gossip can be known to everyone in the department. Trying to tell myself that there is still a chance. But deep down, I know it is totally over, I'm just lying to myself day by day. It is hard for me to let go and I don't give up so easily. I'm still guessing if you have really let it go. I think that it would have been easier for you to have done so.


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